"Innocent" Smith?Click here for date and location information and to RSVP. It's a rollicking whodunit combined with a fairy tale combined with a courtroom drama combined with a romantic novel. It's indescribable. It's fun. It's quintessential Chesterton. Join us for our next meeting as we discuss Manalive! You can pick up a copy of this book very affordably from the American Chesterton Society. They also sell an audiobook version. "I am going to hold a pistol to the head of the Modern Man. But I shall not use it to kill him—only to bring him to life." --- Innocent Smith
At our January 2015 meeting, Joe suggested that the SEPA Society plan to host a mini-conference on a Saturday or Sunday sometime in the coming year.
We're looking for any and all suggesting as to how to make this a success. Please comment here at this post with any of your ideas, but particularly with those related to the following topics:
Let's get brainstorming! |
Key links:AboutWe aim to provide fellowship and fun in the Philadelphia area as we gather and honor the personal and literary legacy of G.K. Chesterton. Links of InterestPost Categories
January 2025